4 Types of Insurance You Can’t Afford To Delay On Your 20’s

When the weather is nice and bright, you may not think much of an umbrella, but when it starts pouring, your umbrella becomes your only means of protection. Many of us do the same thing with insurance; we buy it only when something bad happens and when it’s too late. Having insurance in place before an accident gives you the peace of mind  knowing that you’re covered in the event of an unfortunate circumstances.

Many of us have been stuck in a situation where we had no other option but to rely on our parents for financial assistance. It could be due to loss of job, illnesses or any other personal reasons. In such scenarios, it is always better to be prepared with insurance plans that help you tide over the difficult times.

If you are in your 20s, there are four types of insurance plans that you must never delay to have in your financial plans, to prepare you for that rainy day.

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Someone Knocked on Her Door A Couple of Weeks Ago, Whom She Regards Now as Heaven Sent

An unexpected expense comes up for many people, but those with financial security know they can handle it. And dealing with the unexpected is a great way to build that financial security — because it’s impossible to be prepared for everything life throws at us, but we can learn how to cope with the surprises when they come. Here’s an inspiring story about a woman who, despite her misfortunes, still managed to rise above her situation.


5 Common Investing Mistakes People Make And How to Avoid Them

Investing is a subject that causes both excitement and stress for many people. It’s exciting because it can be one of the most reliable ways to build wealth. It’s stressful because it involves money, which is something most of us value very highly. 

The best advice for those new to investing is simple: Learn as much as you can about the process and make sure you’re comfortable with the risks involved before you start. 

Investing is not like gambling or playing the lottery. Successful investors are not lucky; they’re prepared. Here are some common mistakes people make when investing and what you should do instead:

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Five Things You Must Do Now to Make the Most Out of Your Golden Years

If you’re like most people, you probably haven’t given a lot of thought to your golden years. You may have a vague notion of what you’d like to be doing — and where you’d like to be doing it — but few details.

Nonetheless, time goes on and life progresses, we all have to take on new roles in our lives. Sometimes it feels like we lose something with each role we take, but that isn’t always the case. There are a few things you can do as early as now that can make your golden years more fun and interesting. After all, growing old doesn’t have to mean falling apart. There’s still plenty of life left in the old dog yet.

Here are five things you can start doing that will help you make the most of your golden years: