Saving for retirement is one of the most important challenges you will face in your lifetime. It can be discouraging to tie up a large portion of your money in savings when you could be spending it, but failing to save early enough could result in delayed ...
7 Top Risks of Retirement
When we think about retirement, most of us have a great picture in mind. Maybe we imagine ourselves relaxing on the beach with a cold drink in our hand. Or maybe it's a picture of us smiling as we hand over our resignation letter. But just like you ...
Ensure Your Family Protection With The Right Insurance Policies
You put in long hours at work to make ends meet and build a nest egg for retirement, but are you doing all you can to safeguard the money that you've worked so hard for?When you're focused on providing for your family and saving for your gold ...
5 Steps Needed For Putting Retirement Into Action
Many Singaporeans are delaying retirement and putting off investing for their later years. They think it's too early to start planning ahead when retirement seems far away. However, with the high cost of living and possibility of long-term inflation, one ...
What Singaporeans Need to Know About Critical Illness and How to Get Protected
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Is Company Insurance Enough as a Protection Coverage
Most of us focus on the employee perks and paid leave when we're just starting out in our careers. In spite of this, we neglect to take a closer look at the most important benefit—company insurance. Also known as group employee insurance, it is typically ...
Growing Your Retirement Nest Egg
We all have dreams for retirement—our own little piece of heaven where we can finally relax and spend the time doing whatever we want. But if you think about it, retirement is just another pace of life that demands more responsibility with your money to m ...
YA2023: Reducing Your Personal Income Tax In Six Ways
In Singapore, a progressive tax system is applied. This means that the more you earn, the more tax you pay.Personal income tax is a tax levied on the income of individuals. The amount paid depends on the amount of money one makes in the previous year and ...
How To Earn Extra Income In a Gig Economy
These days, the gig economy is one of Singapore's biggest industries. Entrepreneurs, seniors and even students are taking to working on a gig basis, which provides more flexibility compared to a corporate job.The "gig economy" refers to the growing number ...
4 Types of Insurance You Can’t Afford To Delay On Your 20’s
When the weather is nice and bright, you may not think much of an umbrella, but when it starts pouring, your umbrella becomes your only means of protection. Many of us do the same thing with insurance; we buy it only when something bad h ...