An unexpected expense comes up for many people, but those with financial security know they can handle it. And dealing with the unexpected is a great way to build that financial security — because it's impossible to be prepared for everything life throws ...
Gone are The Hard Days, Long Nights, and Deadlines— Do Our Problems End with Retirement? Five Things You Need to Know About Retirement
After you've spent decades working toward something, you'd probably like to think that when you get there, everything would be perfect and go smoothly. Unfortunately, that's not how life works. Retirement may be different from the rest of your life, but i ...
5 Common Investing Mistakes People Make And How to Avoid Them
Investing is a subject that causes both excitement and stress for many people. It's exciting because it can be one of the most reliable ways to build wealth. It's stressful because it involves money, which is something most of us value very highly. The be ...
Five Things You Must Do Now to Make the Most Out of Your Golden Years
If you're like most people, you probably haven't given a lot of thought to your golden years. You may have a vague notion of what you'd like to be doing — and where you'd like to be doing it — but few details.Nonetheless, time goes on and life progresses, ...
The Cost Of Critical Illness Is Real. Why Do We Ignore It?
Have you ever thought about what would happen to your financial situation if you were to become critically ill? Being sick can be expensive. Even a mild cold requires you to make purchases—pain relievers, heating pads, tissues—and spend time re ...
Why Start Getting a Long-Term Care Plan While You are Still Young and Healthy? Here’s To Why It’s Never Early to Do So
Now that you're still young and healthy, long-term care insurance seems unnecessary. After all, you won't need the coverage for years, if not decades. However, according to the Ministry Of Health, one in two healthy Singaporeans aged 65 may re ...
Find Your Reasons Why You Want to Be Free and Wealthy
Financial freedom is one of the least understood concepts in our society. Most people think it’s as simple as making money as your goal. But that's not all there is to it. Achieving financial freedom takes a lot of discipline, patience, and sa ...
Cancer Survivor: Keeping My Family Lifestyle Intact
Being diagnosed with cancer is devastating, especially if you aren't prepared. The cancer treatment process is painful, expensive, and debilitating. If you’re not ready, it will turn your life upside down and can afflict you, both emotionally and financia ...
It’s Through the Rough Times That We Realize What Really Matters
Life is filled with risks. There are times when things don't go as planned despite our best efforts to minimize the risks and assume that everything will be alright or at least manageable. And this assumption can lead to costly mistakes and even worse co ...