Investing can be a daunting prospect for many individuals, with the fear of financial loss often looming large. This fear, known as "loss aversion," is a natural human response that can be both paralyzing and costly. However, it's crucial to recognize tha ...
Leveraging Your Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) for Comprehensive Insurance Coverage in Singapore
As we approach the year-end, it's not just a time for festive celebrations but also a critical juncture to take stock of your financial strategies. For Singaporeans with a Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) account, this period offers a valuable opport ...
Is Ride Hailing Or Buying A Car More Economical In Singapore?
The high costs associated with owning, running, and maintaining a car make it a luxury in Singapore. However, more people are choosing ride-hailing platforms services over having a car, as these services like Grab and Gojek gain popularity.When would it b ...
Why Working Longer Is a Bad Retirement Plan
Working longer, as in extending one's career beyond the traditional retirement age, is often seen as a smart financial strategy. After all, it allows us to save more, delay tapping into our retirement funds, and keep a steady income stream. However, worki ...
Saving for Retirement: 3 Reasons Why It’s A Loving Investment For Your Future and Family
Retirement is often viewed as a distant destination on life's journey, a time when you finally get to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. However, it's more than just a personal milestone; saving for retirement is an act of love. It's a gift to your ...
Understanding and Overcoming OCD: Symptoms, Treatments, and Financing Options
Dealing with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can be a challenging journey, but understanding the symptoms, available treatments, and financing options can help individuals and their families navigate this condition more effectively. OCD is a mental he ...
Financial Planning For Children With Special Needs
Our children are our greatest love as parents, and we only want the best for them. Although having a child with special needs may not be what you had anticipated, parenting your child will be an even greater experience. Raising a child with special needs ...
The Crucial Role of Risk Understanding in Investment Strategy
The process of investing may be thrilling, a path to financial independence, and a way to build wealth. But before you embark on any journey, it's important to familiarize yourself with the risks first. Risk is a fundamental idea that every investor needs ...
Just Gotten To Work? Learn Ways You Can Grow Your Salary
If you're anticipating your first paycheck and the possibilities it will open up for you, we have this advice: go forth and multiply. Learn ways to grow your salary!Here are six recommendations to get you started increasing your salary if you don't know w ...
4 Affordable Investments You Can Start With In Singapore
One of the most common barriers to getting started with investing is the belief that you must first have a large sum of money. While this is a prevalent myth, it is not uncommon to hear. Fairly speaking, not everyone has S$100,000 on hand. But the good ne ...