7 Best (and Affordable) Self-Care Routines for Working Moms

Mothers who are working have a lot on their plates. Keep your game on point with these eight self-care rituals that are easy, effective, and completely achievable on a budget.

Achieving a balance between motherhood responsibilities and a professional career is no easy feat in any way you look at it.

Moms who juggle multiple tasks must be able to manage hectic schedules & workloads, take care of children, maintain a relationship, keep up with family obligations, and manage to keep their energy through the whole thing.

And on top of these, we have other worries— finances, jobs, friends, health, house, and cars.

As a mom with an active job, you might have developed a habit of sacrificing your own needs for the sake of others. However, putting yourself at the back of the line isn’t the best option.

Instead, prioritizing your needs and making time for yourself will allow you to be more energized and handle your incredibly long, grueling to-do list.

While many parents experience motherhood as a full-time job, it’s crucial to remember the importance of caring for yourself and scheduling time for self-care. This reduces the likelihood of burnout and fosters a state of relaxation that will enable you to appreciate your time with your kids more.

Here are 7 self-care practices that can be simple, inexpensive, and, hopefully, fun for you:

1. Treat yourself to a spa at home

Budget estimate: S$20 to S$50

Spend 30 minutes treating yourself to a short spa at your own home. Using some readily available kitchen ingredients for body exfoliation and moisturization, you can boost tired feet, skin, and eyes while taking a break to relax and enjoy.

Make yourself comfortable and begin with body exfoliation. Making an exfoliating body polish is as easy as mixing a few kitchen staples, then slathering it on the skin while paying particular attention to extra-dry regions like the elbows, knees, and heels. For instance, sugars [or] salt can be used. Coffee grounds are also beneficial because they are high in caffeine.

Since we often wash and sanitize our hands regularly, they’ve taken a beating for many of us during the last few months. A nourishing treatment with a thick oil or hand cream might help battle dry skin.

You can also add eye gels to your eyes, enhancing circulation and making dark circles less noticeable.

Don’t forget to take care of your feet! Take a bath in a warm bath with the bath salts dissolved. The heat can help ease exhausted muscles in the feet, ankles, calves, and ankles, and the bath salts will aid in smoothing and softening calluses.

Lastly, light a candle, turn down the lights, and put on some calming music to create the perfect spa atmosphere right in the comfort of your own home.

2. Take care of your mental health

Budget estimate:S$0 
Nowadays, most of us struggle with increasing levels of stress and anxiety brought on by our obligations to our jobs, communities, and personal lives. Juggling your family’s demands while attempting to be the “ideal parent” may be stressful, and it can be even more so if you’re a parent. 

You can experience stress dealing with small children who are picky eaters, wondering if your children are doing well in school, or even associating with undesirable people. As a result, it is even more crucial for parents to care for their mental health. Your attitude toward your kids and, as a result, an anxious mind might impact your relationship with them. In the long run, parents’ bad mental health might also influence their children’s mental health.

Take time for yourself and indulge in social activities rather than devoting all your time and energy to your family. Try engaging in activities like reading, listening to music, or being in nature. Another method to reduce stress and help the mind relax is meditation. You can also talk to your pals and discuss your issues with them. They might have experienced similar parenting difficulties, or someone they know who has, and they might be able to offer you some advice and recommendations.

If no one is available, you may seek help from counselors through online counseling platforms such as ec2.sg  & CPH Online Counselling 

3. Improve your physical body

Budget estimate:S$0 to S$50

Although we may not realize it, most of our daily actions are carried out by our bodies. The hectic nature of our lifestyles, which includes taking care of our families’ demands and domestic duties and errands, undoubtedly affects our internal and outward physical health. For women who have experienced pregnancy and childbirth, this is certainly relevant.

As a result, we must take good care of our bodies by eating a balanced diet, drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water per day, and getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night. Additionally, it is advised to engage in regular physical activity for 150 minutes per week. This will not only makes us feel better but also strengthens our bodies, keeps them flexible, and delays the emergence of chronic illnesses.

You don’t need to join an expensive gym membership if you don’t wish to. In the end, exercising should be enjoyable. Otherwise, it’s self-inflicted suffering.

Consider exercise as a form of relaxation for your body; it’s how your body naturally relieves stress. Physical exercise also improves our moods and emotional state, especially during post-pregnancy. So including regular fitness in your daily routine is among the most effective and efficient self-care strategies out there.

It’s also simple to get started. Start your day by jogging, joining online yoga classes, or performing some exercises with your body weight during lunchtime.

On the weekend, consider activities for the family that are more physical. Explore Singapore’s diverse places and trails, take your kids to Water Park, get a cooling family bonding in the ice rink, or challenge your family to finish an obstacle course at Forest Adventure.

Don’t stress about doing your exercises’ right’. The goal is to be active and to have some fun.

4. Try doing BUJO

Budget estimates:S$20 to S$100

Bullet journaling, also known as BUJO, can be described as the most recent trend that has taken over the country, and it’s a fantastic combination of creativity, mindfulness, and productivity.

The process involves making your own personal organizer and journal. You can put it in any way you wish.

Sure, you can record the most important events like birthdays, anniversary dates, and to-do lists, but why not include more personal things like mood, meal plans, thoughts, ideas, short snippets of conversations, reading or movie lists, and so on.

This free-spirited approach encourages BUJO practitioners to create unique layouts for the journals they keep that encourage self-expression through art.

However, bullet journaling can help you organize your thoughts more than just jotting them away in a notebook. Putting pen to paper can help you develop concentration and awareness.

As you tackle your BUJO, You are also keeping track of your achievements and progress that you can return to in the future to provide an additional boost of motivation and inspiration.

5. Revamp your closet

Budget estimate:S$5 to S$150

You will likely find you’ve forgotten about yourself with a full-time job and having a baby. Make yourself feel loved by revamping your closet.

Spend some time taking out the old clothes that no longer serve you or purchasing new clothes that will make you feel happy.

Don’t be limited to work clothes or clothing for being worn around the house while you tackle the chores. You should make sure you purchase something you can wear for yourself (not as a mom or for work).

Perhaps that trendy bucket hat would be an ideal match with those shades that you’ve almost forgotten about?

You’ll get the hang of it.

6. Relax in a Bathtub

Budget: S$0 to S$500

Anyone who has had onsens knows the healing properties of a relaxing bath, and it’s a shame that apartment bathrooms in Singapore aren’t large enough to accommodate bathtubs.

If you’re fortunate enough to have one in your home, don’t be hesitant to have a hot bath for yourself. Put in bath bombs or scented oils, light a candle, and relax. Take deep breaths and let your stress melt away as you float weightlessly in the tub.

The only way the rest of us can experience the comfort of a bathtub is probably on vacation. Fortunately, several hotels provide rooms with bathtubs at reasonable costs. You and your spouse can spend the night at a hotel for as low as $168. You can also bring the entire family for a good family deal.

You can try Furama City Center and have the family-friendly deal, which starts at $260. This covers a stay in family-size rooms for two adults and two children under the age of 11. You can also stay in apartments based on fairy tales, such as pirates and castles.


7. Plan ahead of time

Budget: S$21 to S$28

Every mother experiences worries; they are just part of the experience. According to a 2013 Ipsos survey, moms are more likely to worry about their children’s futures than fathers, and the types of anxieties vary across the two parents. When you are already concerned about your children’s health, education, and end in general, unknown factors and unexpected changes can be a source of stress.

Instead of worrying about the future, take proactive efforts to plan and implement an action plan to lessen the uncertainty. Your family’s finances may be impacted by future uncertainty, and some of that can be addressed with insurance. Insurance is a terrific method to lessen the financial constraints you, your spouse, and your kids can face in unanticipated events. 

For instance, purchasing term life insurance is a cost-effective approach to providing for your family in the event of your passing, a critical sickness, a terminal disease, or a disability. Planning for your children’s future educational expenses can help you prepare and save money. You can buy term insurance for as low as $21 and have peace of mind. Check out here the best term insurance plans in Singapore.

Put yourself first

Parenthood is a lifetime commitment, but it does not have to drain your energy or cause stress. Putting yourself first by investing time in self-care and financially safeguarding your future is essential to giving your children the greatest possible future. After all, a joyful and welcoming environment at home can help children flourish, which is something that we all want.