Growing Strong: A Parent’s Guide to Nurturing Gross Motor Skills in Preschoolers

Preschool years are a critical period for children’s physical development, and gross motor skills play a central role in this process. As a parent, understanding these skills and how to enhance them is essential for your child’s overall well-being and success. This guide is designed to help you navigate the world of gross motor skills in preschoolers, offering insights, practical tips, and a range of activities to support your child’s physical growth, coordination, and confidence.

Gross motor skills

The term “gross motor skills” refers to the capacity to coordinate large muscle movements. 

Gross motor skills are an important aspect of a preschooler’s physical development, as they lay the foundation for various physical activities and are essential for everyday tasks like walking, running, and playing. These skills involve the use of large muscle groups and require coordination, balance, and control. Gross motor skills typically develop in a predictable sequence during a child’s early years, and mastering them is crucial for a child’s overall physical development and participation in various physical activities.

Preschoolers continue to refine and expand their gross motor skills as they grow. The following are some important gross motor abilities that preschoolers typically acquire:

Running: Running with control and coordination is a fundamental gross motor skill. It enables children to move quickly and efficiently, making it easier for them to participate in games, sports, and other physical activities.

Jumping: Jumping skills progress from simple jumps on both feet to more complex activities like hopping on one foot or even skipping. These activities help children build strength, balance, and coordination.

Climbing: Climbing skills involve both upper body and lower body strength. As preschoolers become proficient climbers, they can explore playground equipment and navigate obstacles with greater ease.

Throwing and catching: Developing the ability to throw a ball overhand and catch a bounced ball is essential for participation in team sports and games that involve throwing and catching. These skills require hand-eye coordination and precision.

Pedaling: Learning to pedal a tricycle is a significant milestone in a child’s gross motor skill development. It not only enhances leg strength but also teaches coordination and balance. It’s a precursor to riding a bicycle.

Importance of Gross Motor Skills

Gross motor skills are of paramount importance in preschoolers for several reasons:

Physical Development: Developing gross motor skills is crucial for the physical development of preschoolers. These skills involve the use of large muscle groups and contribute to the growth and strengthening of muscles, bones, and joints. Children who master these skills are better equipped to handle various physical activities and challenges.

Coordination and Balance: Gross motor skills help children develop coordination, balance, and spatial awareness. These skills are the building blocks for more complex movements and activities. They enable preschoolers to move with control and precision, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.

Independence and Exploration: Proficiency in gross motor skills allows preschoolers to explore their environment more effectively. They can climb, run, jump, and play, which fosters a sense of independence and curiosity. It encourages them to discover their physical capabilities and limitations.

Social Interaction: Many games and activities that involve gross motor skills require interaction with peers. Engaging in physical play helps preschoolers develop social skills such as sharing, taking turns, and cooperation. It also provides opportunities for teamwork and friendly competition.

Readiness for School: Developing gross motor skills is an important part of school readiness. Many school activities, such as physical education and classroom participation, require basic motor skills. Children who have a strong foundation in gross motor skills are more likely to adapt to the demands of the school environment.

How to enhance your preschooler’s gross motor skills

Enhancing your preschooler’s gross motor skills is essential for their physical development and overall well-being. Here are some tips and activities to help you promote and develop these skills in preschoolers:

Provide Opportunities for Physical Play: Encourage active playtime both indoors and outdoors. Activities like running, jumping, and climbing are excellent for building gross motor skills. Visit playgrounds, take nature walks, or create obstacle courses in your backyard.

Balance and Coordination Activities: Engage your child in activities that challenge their balance and coordination. Activities like balancing on one foot, walking on a line, or hopping are great for this. Use a balance board or have them walk on a curb to enhance balance.

Sports and Games: Introduce age-appropriate sports and games that involve running, kicking, throwing, and catching. Soccer, basketball, and simple games like tag or catch can be enjoyable ways to build gross motor skills.

Biking and Scootering: Riding a tricycle, bicycle, or scooter can be an excellent way to develop leg strength and coordination. Ensure your child wears appropriate safety gear.

Climbing Activities: Climbing playground equipment, trees, or indoor climbing walls can improve upper body strength and agility. Ensure a safe environment and supervise closely.

Obstacle Courses: Set up an obstacle course using cushions, cones, hula hoops, and other items to encourage crawling, jumping, and climbing. Make it a fun challenge for your child.

Swimming: Swimming is an excellent full-body workout that helps improve coordination and strength. Consider enrolling your child in swim lessons or family swim sessions.

Encourage Free Play: Allow your child to explore and play freely. Unstructured playtime is essential for creativity and skill development. Provide basic play materials like building blocks and encourage imaginative play.


Gross motor skills are an essential component of a preschooler’s development. By understanding these skills and actively supporting their growth, you can provide your child with the tools they need to explore the world, build confidence, and lay the foundation for a healthy and active life.

Parents, teachers, and other caregivers can make a significant impact on the general development and well-being of young children by understanding the significance of these skills and implementing practical strategies to enhance them. Preschoolers can develop to their full potential if physical activity is encouraged, outdoor play is made possible, and structured gross motor activities are incorporated into preschool educational programs.