Is It Necessary To Have Enough Sleep?

Its a long way to go before your baby's arrival!

How many hours of sleep should you get each day? What is the best way to get a good night’s sleep?

Sleep is more than just a time when you’re not doing anything at all. While we sleep, our brains have time to process what we learned and memorized over the day, making us more efficient the following day. When we have adequate sleep, we are less prone to overeating or crave unhealthy foods, and we are more likely to make healthy eating choices.

If you’ve ever been sleep-deprived, you’ve probably observed a difficulty to concentrate, delayed reflexes, impulsive decision-making, and an increased sensitivity to irritation. And, of course those stubborn dark circles under your eyes.

Maybe catching up on your sleep on the weekend will help, but what’s gone can’t be retrieved. Resting more effectively for two days will not make up for the week’s worth of lost productivity.

Sleep Well, Improve Your Life!

How Much Sleep Do You Need?


Whether you feel rejuvenated or like a zombie when you wake up,  it’s directly related to the number of hours and the quality time you have slept. The guideline above shows the hours of sleep we need depending on our age.

What You Need To Do


Maintain a Regular Sleep Schedule of 7 Hours or More

The ideal amount of sleep changes as you get older. If you’re over the age of 18, you should make it a priority to obtain 7 or more hours of sleep each night. Check out the table below to see the average amount of time recommended for your sleep (based on your age)

Take a quick nap to boost your energy levels

Having a short nap (e.g., averaging 10 to 20 minutes) in the afternoon will help restore your energy and enhance your productivity during the day. Timing is key, as a nap too close to bedtime might disrupt evening sleep.


Regular exercise can improve sleep quality, so make it a habit to get active.

Release your muscles tension

To help you sleep better, you need to relax your muscles.

Establish a Nighttime Routine

Unwind from the stress of such a tiring day by calming your mind and body. Get comfortable with a good book, a hot bath, or some relaxing music. Maintaining a regular routine can teach your body to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.

Play some calm music

Listening to soothing music might help you unwind and prepare your body for sleep.

Have a relaxing place to sleep

Turn off or reduce the intensity of the lights in your room, and think about using blackout drapes or eye masks to block out any additional light from outside.

What You Shouldn’t Do

Don’t go to bed hungry or full

A growling stomach makes it difficult to fall asleep. Have food at least two hours before bedtime, or drink some milk right before turning in. An uncomfortable full meal could keep us up all night. Never try to stuff away late-night hunger by eating a huge dinner. Instead, opt for nutritious and light options like low-fat yogurt, milk, or fruit.

Don’t drink coffee or alcohol at night

Because it is a stimulant that helps people get alert, coffee is commonly consumed first thing in the morning. The sedative effects of alcohol are outweighed by the degradation of sleep quality.

Don’t use electronic devices at least half an hour before bedtime

Electronic gadgets (including your cell phone) used in the hour leading up to bedtime have been shown to increase mental activity, making it more difficult to go to and maintain sleep. Put them in another room for at least half an hour before bedtime.

Sleeping is important

While you are sleeping, your body and brain are hard at work repairing and maintaining your health. Sleep also plays a role in promoting health and development in young children and teenagers. Having inadequate sleep over time can boost your risk for chronic (long-term) health problems.

If you don’t get the recommended  hours of sleep every night, you can change that by making some improvements to your day routine and bedtime routine.