Limiting Screen Time:Tv, Mobile And Other Devices

Use Screens in a Productive Way Within Your Own Family!

Keeping tabs on how much time a child spends in front of a screen might be difficult in today’s modern world. In addition, some screen time can be beneficial to children’s learning and social growth.

The problems with screens

Too much screen time and regular exposure to poor-quality programming has been linked to:

  • Obesity
  • Inadequate sleep schedules and insufficient sleep
  • Behavior problems
  • Delays in language and social skills development
  • Violence
  • Attention problems
  • Less time learning

So, how do you limit your kid’s time in front of the TV? Learn the basics of media and screen time management for your kids.

#1 Limit your personal screen time

Children learn most effectively when they see their parents modeling good behavior. This, of course, necessitates that you, yourself, put limits on the amount of time you spend in front of the screen for fun. This may entail scheduling times during the day and night in which gadgets are not permitted, such as during meals and before bed.

They will be more likely to follow your lead if they see you trying something new. They aspire to be like you! And by assisting them, they will be able to avoid these consequences later in life.

#2 Co-Create Meaningful Moments

Never set a bad example for your kids by engaging in behavior that you disapprove of. It’s a good idea to improve your responses to challenging situations if you see you’re modeling behavior you don’t want your child to adopt. The actions you take rather than the words you use will be the ones that your children mimic.

Keep in mind that your kids are observing you going to work every day. They watch while you make dinner, do the laundry, and pay the bills. Therefore, it’s vital that they see you handling your obligations competently. Keep in mind that you aren’t aiming to set an example of flawless behavior, but rather, you are trying to instill in them the values of honesty, accountability, and hard effort.

#3 Establish boundaries as a family and stick to them

Spending a lot of time mindlessly browsing or watching TV is a waste of your valuable time. If you spend a lot of time in front of the TV, your kids will likely want to do the same. Since this is the case, it is crucial to establish boundaries, even for yourself. Including your child in the process of making household rules (such as bedtimes) can be beneficial for everyone. Once the regulations have been established, they must be constantly followed! Put the whole family on timers as a reminder system to  know the limitations and take breaks when necessary.

#4 Put down the gadgets and have some real-life fun!

On a weekend, when you have nothing better to do than kick back in front of the TV,  make it your go-to for downtime to schedule some screen-free family activities once a week.

This way, even at a young age, your children will know that there are other options for entertainment besides screen time. Spend some time reading, playing outside, doing puzzles, or meeting new people at the playground. Integrate play into their daily routine.

Build Rules

As your child gets older, you’ll probably still need to help direct, control, and supervise his or her media consumption. However, you can help ensure a secure experience by establishing rules for your home and reviewing them as your child develops.