Top 4 Activities to Keep Your Children Busy During the Holiday

Singapore: The last day of classes was on November 18, which worries some parents since it marks the start of a long holiday break.

Some parents may wonder how to keep their children entertained over the six-week break and how much it would cost.

There is a wide variety of opportunities available in the form of enrichment camps and workshops, many of which provide programs during school breaks at a cost that can range from several hundred to several thousand dollars.

The parents believe that the common, affordable ways to dissuade the kids from becoming glued to their screens and computer games include doing crafts, baking together, going on nature walks, and arranging playdates and outings.

Some households even go the extra mile to plan unique and inexpensive Christmas activities for their children.

If you’re worrying about how you can fill your child’s days without focusing too much on their gadgets, here is a list of activities we’ve compiled that will not only keep your children engaged, but will also provide them the opportunity to acquire new skills.

1. Discover a new kid-friendly recipe

Helping out in the kitchen is a favorite activity for many children. It satisfies their insatiable curiosity and gives them a sense of fulfillment, as they may take pride in taking a part in the preparation of a delicious dinner. This is not only a fun way to spend time with children, but can also develop useful skills they can apply in the real world. You can find a variety of simple recipes on the internet that don’t call for the use of any knives or stovetops. Perhaps among your children is a future budding pastry chef or cook!

2. Throw a movie party

Have you ever stayed longer in deciding which movie to watch? Each of us may relate to that feeling. Maybe what you can do is to set a theme for each movie marathon, or have the kids pick one to avoid this problem. To take things to the next level, have everyone chip in and make themed munchies for the movie marathon. Here are a few suggestions:

Adventure: Cars, Up, Stuart Little, and Night at The Museum
Family: Baby boss, Matilda, and Toys Story

3. Get your hands dirty with some fun science experiments

Doing some simple science experiments at home with your children can be a lot of fun and teach them a lot at the same time. These activities are designed to keep children’s minds active and their curiosity piqued even when on holiday. If you have a young child, you might want to pick the scientific experiment with them. Make some sticky slime, build a lava, or a solar light.

4. Spend family time together playing board games

If you have teenagers in the house, board games are a fantastic way to spend quality time together as a family. It’s much better than just letting your kids hole up in their rooms with their electronics. It may come as a surprise, but playing board games with your children can have many positive effects on their development.

  • Benefits to Early Education- Young children can learn to recognize colors, count, and build spatial awareness while playing board games. Waiting patiently for one’s turn teaches children valuable lessons in self-control that will serve them well into adulthood. Parents who want their children to expand their vocabulary can also choose from a variety of educational board games, like Scrabble for Kids and Zingo.
  • Enhances mental capacity – Young children and teenagers that regularly engage in strategy gaming show signs of positive cognitive stimulation. They are useful for enhancing analytical thinking, literacy, and cognitive skills.
  • Instills life lessons – You may not realize it, but board games have a way of teaching us valuable life lessons, such as the fact that there are things we should face alone and that it’s fine to lose sometimes. They can also assist kids learn to accept defeat with grace and to accept that they can’t always get what they want in life.
  • Encourages concentration – Some board games can take quite some time to complete, and playing them without interruption can encourage a child’s ability to focus. Parents and elder siblings should set a good example by not doing anything else except watching the game with their whole attention.

Tips for Parents

1. Bond with your kids.

 “The more time you spend with your kids, the more quality time you will have.”

Spending money on activities that the family may do together isn’t necessary to foster a close relationship with the kids. Family outings to the park, the library, or the campsite are all common options.

If you are unable to take time off, you should “lean on the community, family, and friends” to provide your children with opportunities they might not otherwise have during the school year.

2. Take it easy on the academic enrichment till the holidays are gone

We should take our kids out of their usual enrichment class atmosphere during the summer break because most of them attend multiple classes per week throughout the school year. So instead of ruining their holiday break, you can take advantage of  the time to build a strong relationship with your child and discover shared interests.

3. Allow your youngster to develop at his or her own pace

In a Straits Time article, the Executive Director of Centre For Fathering and Dads For Life, Mr. Bryan Tan, shares a story about a recent family vacation to Changi Village and Pulau Ubin with his three kids, including four-year-old Joshua. Despite Mr. Tan’s best efforts, Joshua was more interested in playing on the playground than listening to his lecture on the area’s rich history and fascinating landmarks.

“I saw his frustration… I realized that the time I had set aside was really for him. I climbed along with him at the playground for more than an hour. I saw the joy he had in his eyes,“Mr. Tan recalls.

“In the end, he asked me questions that I wanted to answer, such as about the bumboats and the beach. I found myself enjoying the process of learning together with him and doing things at his pace. I think all he wanted was for me to be there with him, and to have my undivided attention.”

Sometimes the best gift we can give our kids is the time and attention we can give them. Simply being there for them is incredibly meaningful.

Enjoy the holiday with fun-filled activities!

While it may be challenging to keep your kids off of their iPads and smartphones over the break, it is possible with some good planning and the right mix of inexpensive and engaging activities. Get the kids involved in some fun indoor activities like cooking, playing game boards, or even watching themed marathon movies with them.