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Someone Knocked on Her Door A Couple of Weeks Ago, Whom She Regards Now as Heaven Sent

An unexpected expense comes up for many people, but those with financial security know they can handle it. And dealing with the unexpected is a great way to build that financial security — because it’s impossible to be prepared for everything life throws at us, but we can learn how to cope with the surprises when they come. Here’s an inspiring story about a woman who, despite her misfortunes, still managed to rise above her situation.

Diana and her family had just arrived home from a vacation, with only $2 left in her wallet when she heard the bad news—her father passed away. This brought her deep grief. He was their rock, the one person they all leaned on.

Diana and her husband had to buy a burial plot, while their financial situation was not rosy. “He only worked as a bus driver,” says Diana. “We didn’t have much.” And since her two sons are her primary concern, she is greatly worried about whether they will get the financial support they need to finish their studies. 

Nonetheless, they managed to scrape together slightly more than $555 per month. They are not wealthy but are doing what they can to support their family. Diana and her mother sell some handmade crafts outside for additional income and on Sundays, Diana’s husband spends his day off building a second story of their house.

Despite the financial shock their family had gone through, Diana was more than thankful for the person who knocked on her door a couple of weeks ago. It was at a time when she was very uncertain about her finances that an insurance agent showed up at her door to offer her life insurance.Although she was apprehensive about making monthly payments, she still decided to risk it and bought a policy. It’s a decision she now regards “as sent from above”.

If it weren’t for the insurance, they would have been grieving over their father who had passed away and the burial cost they couldn’t pay. What she’s more than grateful for is the brave decision she made to get insurance.Fortunately, they didn’t have to worry about their financial security and could mourn peacefully for their loved one’s passing.

So, have you considered all the risks, but still, you miss out on insurance? You certainly should not prefer the fate that could befall your loved ones. Life insurance is a smart investment in family security, and in the meantime, it can provide financial support when disaster strikes.

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