Nursing homes are a place where our elderly loved ones can go to be cared for when they are at the worst point in their lives but bringing them into a nursing home is never easy.While they require nursing care and attention, we often have strong rese ...
Getting Your Finances In Order In Just 4 Simple Steps
Start the year off right by getting your finances in order!Many people underestimate the importance of financial planning. Although some may believe it is clear and simple to do, there is still a considerable number of individuals who may not be exec ...
Here’s Why You Should Discuss Retirement Plans With Your Parents
Singapore has one of the world's highest average life expectancies, with citizens expected to live until the age of 84.8 years. This number has been shown by numerous research to increase over the next decade.Not only will you enjoy a longer lifespan ...
The Best Financial Gifts For Our Parents
As our parents' resources and incomes dwindle, it becomes more challenging for them to seek out investment opportunities that would increase their retirement savings and protect them from inflation.Your time and your parents' money are the two things ...
Planning for Retirement Before the New Year Starts
End the year right by starting planning for your golden years! In retirement, success can be defined in a variety of ways. Possibly, you'll need to shift from a full-time job to part-time work that still fulfills you. Or maybe you plan to spend ...
The 4 Best Gifts For Our Loving Parents This Christmas
Now that December has arrived, you're just in for the perfect time of the year to express our love to our loved ones through valuable presents, especially to our elderly parents. But what would be the most thoughtful present for our parents' reti ...
Should I Switch from ElderShield to CareShield Life
CareShield Life was introduced two years ago, and is now mandatory for all adults aged 30–40 years old. However, the CareShield Life team has recently sent out letters to anyone over the age of 40 to notify them of the option to switch from ElderShi ...
Here’s Why You Should Consider Getting a Long-Term Disability Insurance
If you look around you, you'll realize that disability isn't just a problem that solely affects the elderly; it can happen to anyone. Even young, healthy people can become incapacitated overnight and become fully reliant on others for the most basic ...
CareShield Life Supplement: Best Provider & Comparison (2022)
What is Careshield Life? CareShield Life helps in covering long-term care expenses that arise from having a disability. To boost your disability protection and benefits, you can upgrade your CareShield Life with supplements from these three private i ...
3 Things You Didn’t Know About MediShield Life vs. Integrated Shield Plan
Are you aware that if you are a Singapore citizen or a permanent resident, you're automatically covered by MediShield Life? Did you also know that two-thirds of Singaporeans and Permanent Residents have purchased the Integrated Shield Plan? Integrate ...